Private Lessons
Velo-CT offers swim lessons for swimmers of all ages and abilities
We will continue to bring back programming in a safe and healthy manner.
Please check back for updates.
Private Lessons
Effective March 01, masks will not be required regardless of vaccination status.
Please take a moment to review current Velo-CT protocols.
Each Swimmer must be at least 4 years old.
Instructors will remain on the Pool Deck.
"In water" instructors are available for Private Lessons on a limited basis.
No one is permitted into the building without a reservation or scheduled class. Entry is allowed no more than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled reservation or class time.
Entry is restricted to the Swimmer and ONE (1) parent/guardian.
The parent/guardian will be able to check-in the Swimmer and accompany the swimmer to the Pool Deck.
Once Swimmers have entered the water, no parent/guardian will be permitted to remain on the Pool Deck.
Private: $66/Lesson
Purchase a 10-pack and save 10%!
Private Lessons are 30 minutes.